Do outro lado é unha performance de Brais Pombo e Fran Rodríguez Casal que reflexiona sobre o ecoloxismo e a comunidade no rural. Inspirados nas revoltas veciñais ocorridas nas décadas dos anos 80 e 90 na súa aldea natal, Traspielas, os autores usan material de arquivo, lixo recollido na montaña, movemento corporal e creación audiovisuais nun espectáculo multidisciplinar onde se crea un diálogo entre pasado e presente cuestionándose a relación humana co territorio. Proxecto gañador da bolsa do colectivo RPM.

[ENG] On the other hand, a performance by Brais Pombo and Fran Rodríguez Casal reflects on environmentalism and the rural community. Inspired by the revolts that took place in the 80's and 90's in their native village, Traspielas, the authors use archival material, garbage collected in the mountains, body movement and audiovisual creation in a multidisciplinary show where a dialogue between past and present is created, questioning the human relationship with the territory.Winner project of one of the RPM Collective grants.